The September TLR Meeting will be held in Waco, TX on September 16th at Baylor Lodge No. 1235 for our first York Rite Symposium. The meeting will be hosted by Baylor Lodge in the York Rite Building in downtown Waco. Worshipful Master Josh Waller promises great food and fellowship.
Baylor Lodge meets in the York Rite Building located at 722 Washington Ave., Waco, TX with phone number 254-644-6336 if you get lost. A room block is held at Holiday Inn Northwest, 1801 Development Boulevard, Waco. The room rate is $249 to $260. (Sorry, Baylor Parents Weekend) Call the hotel at 254-799-9997 and ask for the TLR Rate. A hospitality room will be open Friday evening in the hotel. The Friday evening no-host dinner will be at Heitmiller’s across the freeway at 7 pm. (254-867-1400)
The Stated Meeting will be held at 10am on Saturday, September 16th in the York Rite Temple after the breakfast. We will have one or two papers and then lunch will be available for a donation of $12. The York Rite Symposium Articles will follow at 1pm after which TLR will close.