
Our Purpose

The purpose of Texas Lodge of Research is “to promote, encourage, conduct, and foster Masonic research and study, and to diffuse Masonic knowledge and information to all Master Masons.”

From “Freemasonry in Practice” by Yancy L Russell, Vol XII, p. 120, Transactions of Texas Lodge of Research.


Download the petition by clicking here. Fill out the form completely. You will need to include the following with your completely filled out petition:

  • Your petition MUST BE SIGNED by a Full Member of TLR
  • Enclose a Certificate of Good Standing or a photocopy of your current Blue Lodge dues card.
  • A copy of your photo ID (drivers license, passport)

Payment for your Dues in the form of a check MUST be accompany to your petition. Do not send cash.

  • Dues are $35.00 for Individual Membership ($36.35 if using PayPal); Associate Memberships are available to Masonic Lodges, appendant Masonic bodies or Masonic Libraries for $30.00 per year ($31.20 if using PayPal).
  • Endowed Membership is $500 ($515.25 if using PayPal).
    All Checks are payable to Texas Lodge of Research
  • The Petition can  be Emailed to [email protected] and then the Payment may be made using PayPal instead of a check at:

Print the form and mail the form and your check to:

  • Texas Lodge of Research
  • PO Box 686
  • Hereford, TX 79045-0686