Research Papers
The Senior Warden solicits research papers for review, approval and ultimately oral presentation before Texas Lodge of Research at one of its quarterly meetings. The new TLR Form and Style Manual is available in PDF format for downloading. Prospective authors should read the Form and Style Manual prior to writing their paper as it describes suitable paper topics, format and style issues. Authors are required to submit an electronic version by email to (Preferred method) [email protected] or a paper manuscript, along with an electronic version on Compact Disk (CD), and mail both to the TLR mailing address:
Texas Lodge of Research
PO Box 686
Hereford, TX 79045-0686
All manuscripts must be in Microsoft Word format.
Editorial Committee members are usually on hand at TLR quarterly meetings and will be happy to discuss the crafting of papers to qualify an author to become a Full Member and wear the distinctive Texas Lodge of Research apron.
For information on the progress of a paper sent for review, please contact the Senior Warden.
Writing a Paper – Things to Consider
- A fortune cookie slip once said “The longest journey begins with a single step.” That’s what every author knows who has traveled the winding road in the process to earn the distinctive apron signifying Full Membership in Texas Lodge of Research.
- VERY IMPORTANT – The first step for a prospect author to take is the filing of a Texas Lodge of Research Notice of Intention to Submit Research Paper, which is a mandatory requirement for all first time Texas Lodge of Research authors.
- Next, it is imperative that authors thoroughly read and follow the directions in the Form and Style Manual. It is also strongly recommended that the author read one or two published papers on subjects similar to the writer’s topic that can be found in Texas Lodge of Research Transactions. For anyone who has prepared a research paper in his lifetime, you can be assured that the guidelines used in school are probably not exactly as will be encountered in the TLR “Form and Style Manual”. But, rules are rules and every paper should be written to a uniform standard.
- Papers must be closely proofread before submission, spell checked and perhaps, read by a spouse or someone dispassionate on the topic of the paper before being submitted. Papers submitted to the Senior Warden should be considered as the author’s “finished” product. A single copy of the paper is circulated among members of the Editorial Committee. Committee Members make notations on the manuscript, pointing out inconsistencies in TLR style, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, grammar and reference noting, but they WILL NOT rewrite, or conduct research, for an author.
- Members of the committee strive to make constructive criticisms of the content and structure of papers. In addition, the Senior Warden will usually return the paper to the author with a cover letter containing his suggestions. A research paper being accepted, “as-written” is unheard of. Please know that all comments are meant to make papers more polished.
- One of the most asked questions is: “How long should my paper be?” When papers are composed to double space, single sided pages in 12 point type, 12 to 14 pages will normally deliver in 20 to 25 minutes. Longer papers, while always welcome, should be condensed for presentation before the Lodge
- After a paper is accepted and presented before the lodge, it is forwarded to the Transactions Editor for a final edit before being sent to the printer. The Transactions of Texas Lodge of Research is distributed worldwide to our membership, as well as individuals, libraries and Masonic centers which subscribe to our lodge. Therefore, papers we publish as a research lodge must be of superior quality in content, readability and scholarship
- At present, there are less than 100 living Full Members, worldwide. First-time authors: Get to work by taking that first step!
A full list of papers/topics that have been presented to Texas Lodge of Research can be found at the following link: All Member Papers
Procedures for Submission of Papers
- A Notice of Intention to Submit Paper Form must be received by the TLR Secretary at the address shown below before submitting a research paper for processing. This mandatory step is to ensure TLR that the author has received and read the Form and Style Manual and other documents important to the writing process. For full details download Procedure for Submission PDF here.
- (Preferred method) Email an electronic version to: [email protected]
- Texas Lodge of Research
PO Box 686
Hereford, TX 79045-0686
Article Submission
Bulletin Deadline – Three weeks after each meeting. The Occasional Bulletin solicits brief articles and news items of general interest to the membership of Texas Lodge of Research. These items will be reviewed by the editor and utilized on a space available basis. These items should be sent to the address noted below as typewritten copy and on a CD in a PC compatible format Microsoft Word file or text file.
Submit materials to:
(Preferred method) Email an electronic version to: [email protected]
Texas Lodge of Research
PO Box 686
Hereford, TX 79045-0686
Please include your contact information.