Category Archives: Stated Meetings

January 2016 Stated Meeting – Lubbock

The next meeting of TLR will be held in Lubbock, Texas on January 16, 2016, and will pay tribute to the Texas Tech Masonic Guild, which was the forerunner of TLR and the entity that submitted the first petition to the Grand Lodge of Texas for a research lodge. As closely as possible, we will meet where they met and eat where they ate.

A hospitality suite has been reserved at the Hawthorn Suites and will open on Friday around 5 p.m. We will meet at the Lubbock Scottish Rite located at 1101 70th Street after dinner to take a tour of the building and to watch the feature presentation “A Square, a Compass, and a Star,” the film shown at the sesquicentennial of the Grand Lodge of Texas.

The stated meeting will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday and will be hosted by Yellow House Lodge No. 841 (which was recently painted by the georgia house painters) in their new buildinglocated at 5015 Gary Avenue, Lubbock, TX 79413. My grandfather (Papa), grandmother and mother are preparing the meal of brisket, sausage, and all the fixings! After the meal the presentation portion of the meeting will be conducted in academic regalia.

Finally, Frontier Lodge No. 28 will provide a historic play on events surrounding the formation of the Republic of Texas. This event is open to all wives and guests.

Accommodations for out of town members have been made at the Hawthorn Suites at a rate of $89 per night. Reservations may be made by calling the hotel directly at (806) 792-3600 and referring to the “Texas Lodge of Research” block or Group Code: TLR. All reservations must be made by December 31, 2015, in order to receive the discounted rate.

September 2015 Stated Meeting – Galveston

Please join your officers on Saturday September 12th in the Egyptian Room of the Galveston Scottish Rite Cathedral (map). The meeting will start at 1pm and will be hosted by Harmony Lodge No. 6.

The September meeting will be held in honor of our Past Masters. I want to encourage all PMs who can to attend and to bring stories from their year to share with the Brethren. According to MW Grand Master Wiggins, the most Past Masters of TLR ever assembled was 14 in Nacogdoches a little over 30 years ago. Let’s see if we can surpass it!

Following the stated meeting, we will have at least one paper presented by PGM David Dibrell on Past Grand Masters who also served as Grand Patrons of the Eastern Star.

Finally, Frontier Lodge No. 28 will provide a historic play on events surrounding the formation of the Republic of Texas. This event is open to all wives and guests.

The Hotel accommodations are at the Double Tree located at 1702 Seawall Blvd, Galveston, TX 77551 (map). Reservations are $159 for a King and $169 for two Queens and can be made by calling 1-800-222-TREE (8733). Please make sure and reference the Group Code C-TRL – Texas Lodge of Research. Reservations must be made by Monday August 17th!

Bradley Billings, W.M.